We Promote Hemp Eco-Products,
which are Clean, Green & Healthy.
Hemp is an Earth-friendly Source Material
for the New Bio-Economy.
for Retail Customers,
Retail Sellers & B2B Advertisers
The new, emerging hemp industry offers many great products that benefit both personal and planetary health by offering:
- A new manufacturing sector to replace toxic, synthetic plastic and petrochemicals with hemp bio-products made from natures own HEMPFIBER & HEMPSEED OIL,
- A new health food sector based on the nutritious benefits of pure protein, balanced omegas and easily digestible fiber of HEMPSEED, HEMPNUT & HEMPSEED OIL,
- New medicinal and skin care sectors based on the health benefits of HEMPCBD, HEMPSEED OIL, & HEMPROOTS.
Grow Hemp, Wear Hemp,
Eat Hemp,
Heal with Hemp,
Build with Hemp,
Bath with Hemp,
Pull & Tie with Hemp,
Cover with Hemp,
Drive in Hemp Cars,
Live in Hemp Houses,
Write on Hemp Paper:
Become a Hemparian,
and....well....offer a little help to
Mother Nature!
Hemp and the Clean, Green
Healthy-Earth, Bio-Economy
Hemp Network Marketplace is all about promoting hemp as a major contributor to support the emerging clean and green industries and bio-economy. Hempfiber, hempseed, hempcbd medicinal resin and hemproots all have amazing properties that benefit people's health and the health of our planet Earth-home.
Instead of flying to lifeless Mars.....maybe.....we otta be using our resources to develop clean/green industries that will save us from this mess we created called climate change, global petrochemical and plastic pollution and mass extinction.
There is, as far as we know, only one planet that supports life. We might want to think a little more about the earth we are standing on.....and what we stand for.....and then take action to make better choices for us, the Earth, and all the other inhabitants with which we share this amazing Earth life-supporting planet.
Growing the Hemp Community
Our HempNetwork community is a growing network of businesses and customers who realize that 80 years of hemp prohibition has been very costly to people's general health and to the health of our precious planet.
Hemp products are a practical alternative to plastic and petrochemicals, factory food, synthetic clothing and rope, and some pharmaceudical drugs because they are clean, recyclable and compostable products made by Mother Earth herself.
Our site is designed for customers and businesses to grow together in a "new type of economy; a bio-economy" based on health and wellness of both people and the environment. A truly sustainable economy!
For this to happen, we, as individuals, must take charge with our purchasing power. We must educate ourselves on what a "sustainable livestyle" means and how our purchases effect our environment.
Truthfully, the proof is in our purchase! The products we buy are the cause of climate change and global pollution..... so, we can change these outcomes by simply not contributing our hard earned money to products that pollute our environment!
By becoming a member you will recieve information on new innovative products and ideas for personal health and the health of the environment and new ways to reduce your personal ecological footprint.
Simply replacing petroleum-based products with hemp-based natural fiber products, hemp healthfood products, hemp medicinal supplements & skin care products, you are supporting healthy living on a healthy planet.
Joining and supporting hempnetmarket.com is a decision to clean up our planetary home. When we clean our house and live healthy lives, we feel good. Now it's time to clean our Earth-home by haulting the petrochemical assult on our biological systems and purchasing hemp bio-products whenever possible.
Here's a few ways to get involved:
We hope you become a member and contributer to this economic paradigm shift away from the toxic Global Economy,
to the new:
Local Eco-Trade, Hemp Earth Raw Bio-Economy
Let Earth Tiumph Hemp EcoRaw BioEconomy