Hi....I'm James. I'm part of the HempNet Market team to write about the amazing virtures of HEMP, mankinds most useful and eco-friendly plant. My writing started is college, graduating with a diploma in Environmental Technology from Camosun College in Victoria, BC. Shortly after graduationg I became a stonch advocate for hemp and have been writing about this amazing plant for over 20 years. In 2012 I started a hemp food company, Nature Perfect Hemp Products, making hemp energy bars and hemp snacks. Then in 2016 I decided that I should dedicate my time to this emerging hemp industry through marketing, writing and spreading the good word about hemp's roll building sustainable societies based on a circular bio-products economy. Then in 2018, Hemp Network Marketplace was born, and I have been dedicated to the content writing and selling of hemp products ever since. Hope you find an interesting article or two and a few hemp products that sparks your interest.