
Hemp cannabis  (Cannabis sativa L) has been with us humans for a very, very long time. In fact hemp and humans have co-existed since long before civilization. Throughout recorded history hemp artifacts can be found among many ruins and grave sites. Hemp is considered the "Tree of Life" in many parts of the world as survival is dependent on hemp fiber for shelter and hempseeds for food, including protein and hemp resin for medicinal and spiritual practices. 

Hemp resin has been used medicinally in Asia to relieve pain and control stress; hemp fiber provides  shelter and has been the primary source for paper, rope and sail canvas, and provided eco-friendly wood stain, lacquer and paint. If that wasn’t enough, hempseed offers the highest value nutrition known for human consumption. These are just a few examples from a Hemp/Human relationship that began well before the dawn of civilization.

Yet, for all this, Hemp was outlawed and then criminalized from Western European and American culture since the 1937 US Marijuana Tax Act. The act marks the beginning of cannabis prohibition and the war on drugs. Removing Hemp fiber as an alternative feedstock to compete with petroleum-based synthetic fiber was the beginning of the road that has since lead to our environmental crisis of global pollution, mass extinction and climate change. Hemp prohibition likely represents the “single, most devastating environmental tragedy of the modern age”. 

Hemp prohibition marks a turning point in the race for human domination over the Earth. Corporate manipulation through intense consummer propaganda, beginning with a abominable Reefer Madness campaign, proved that consummers will believe anything you tell them. This quickly lead to petroleum based domination of world markets, leading to globalization by corporations and govenments who had lost all moral and environmental compass and who's only motivation was profit and power.

This global domination through media manipulation and advertising remains with us today, as does the consequence of global plastic and petrochemical pollution, mass extinction, ocean acidification and global warming. Perhaps it's time for humanity to get back a moral compass and treat the earth with respect as humans have done for time immoral.     

TallHemp.jpg?1606447382240Removing natural fiber from competing in the product manufacturing markets caused the petroleum industries to boom and western economies transitioned from a bio-economy, an economy based on biodegradable plant fiber  products, to a synthetic economy based on petroleum and petrochemicals. While it would be hard to imagine a world today without plastic, the truth is that petroleum  is the major cause of our environmental crisis of mass extinction, global pollution, and global warming.

These Global Environmental problems have been well known and documented since the 1960's, yet governments and multi-national corporations have been painfully slow to react to the science, even though the consequences, according to the IPCC, are really not good. The Worlds most respected scientific community, the United Nations IPCC, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has given, not one but two, dire warnings for the consequence of continuing with the present rate of greenhouse gas emissions.

While the IPCC warning is not a future that anyone wants to contemplate, it is also no longer in the future! It is beginning to happen now and costing billions in fire, flood and wind damage.....but what is the alternative?

Can people take these issues into there own hands? The answer is a resounding yes......by simply deciding not to purchase products that cause the problems, and by taking steps to reduce our personal carbon footprint, each and every one of us has a voice to create change.  

We have the technology to replace much of our plastic products with Hemp fiber raw materials, and we can re-tool many of the plastic industries to use bio-product inputs. What is needed now is the will of society to change their purchasing practices and support a new, clean bio-products manufacturing sector by purchasing sustainable hemp products and investing in new bio-fiber technology.

Here at Hemp Network Marketplace we are a source for product sourcing education and change toward a brighter, more sustainable future through re-introducing:

All-Things-Hemp; hemp%20uses%20diagram.jpg?1606435644348

  • products sales,
  • education,
  • business trade,
  • innovation,
  • manufacturing
  • investment,
  • distribution.


Joining our Hemp Community is super easy. Whether you become a customer, vendor, advertiser, affiliate, investor or volunteer…..whether you grow Hemp in your back yard or on 1000's of acres.... we need a strong community to pass on the message that society can do better. and we can start today by focusing on natural biodegradable bio-products from the amazing Cannabis sativa,  hemp plant.





The medicinal properties of Cannabidiol (CBD), plus the hundred or so other cannabinoids contained in the flowers of female Girl%20With%20Tincture.jpg?1604026051653Hemp plants, is nothing short of miraculous. Without the narcotic effect of the THC contained in Marijuana, Hemp delivers the healing without the high. Hemp Medical research of cannabinoids has gained worldwide recognition recently which is largely due to the widespread anecdotal healing stories of CBD.

Stories like halting epileptic fits in catatonic children with Davit’s Syndrome, giving them their life back. Stories of relief with sleep disorders, chronic pain, neurological disorders, inflammation, auto-immune problems, eating disorders, diabetes, arthritis, and the symptoms of cancer…… scientific research is now trying to catch-up to understand how cannabinoids work to relieve so many illnesses. This research has discovered chemical pathways that were completely unknown, which are now referred to as the endo-cannabinoid system.

Research in the 1960’s in Israel by a team led by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam discovered the pathways cannabinoids take in the body, their chemical signatures, and the cell receptors (called CB1 & CB2) that cannabinoids either activate or deactivate. Dr. Mochoulam's team discovered how cannabinoids work toward re-balancing a person’s chemistry pathways to create homeostasis. 
Hemp plants contains all known cannabinoids, but must have less than 0.3%  THC. THC is the one and only cannabinoid that can get you high, and it has been selectively breed out of Hemp Cannabis.




Hemp seeds are considered to be a tasty "super-food" because they:

  •  are a pure protein containing 8 essential, plus 9 non-essential amino acids,
  • are a natural source of a perfect balance of Omega 3, 6 & 9 fatty acids,
  • plus they contain both soluble and insoluble fiber that is super-easy to digest
  • and they also contain significant amounts of iron, zinc and magnesium. 

It would be very difficult to find a more nutritional food source.



Bast Fiber - Longest and Strongest:


The outer, bast fiber of Hemp is unbelievably strong and therefore can be used to produce many products. 

Before plastic and fiberglass was invented only 100 years ago, hemp fiber was used to make those same products. Today hemp fiber is back to create natural, biodegradable products to replace synthetic and plastic, fiberglass, paper and construction products and so much more.


Hurd Fiber - Most Absorbent:

The interior pulp of the Hemp plant is called hurd or shiv and it is super absorbent (including sound) and has a high insulation R value. It can be made into acoustic ceiling tiles, insulation, horticultural germinating matts, added to cinder blocks, and mixed with lime to make hempcrete (a type of no cement concrete that breaths moisture), made into building blocks......and so much more.

Hemp seed oil is a No. 1 source for biodiesel. In fact the fuel that the diesel engine was designed to run on was vegetable oil. A diesel engine running on Hempseed oil has more power, less internal heat, resulting in a much longer engine life with fewer repairs and is carbon neutral. However the present market price for hemp oil as a nutritional supplement far outpaces its value as biodiesel.

Hemp bio-mass; waste leaves, stalks and branches are an excellent source for biofuel.


Hemp has a massive root system which inundates the soil, brings nutrients up from 3-4' depth, and fills the soil with both coarse and fine fibers. With good germination Hemp requires no herbicide as Hemp out competes all other weeds. Pesticide is normally not required if growing conditions are favorable. Hemp can grow for 2-3 years in the same location and it is considered to be one of the best rotation crops due to its soil rebuilding properties. 

Hemp is one of the worlds best bio-remediation plants which includes removing heavy metals and radioactive waste from soil. Hemp was used in Russia at Chernobyl to absorb and remove the radio-active waste from the soil and turn the area back into a lush green forest.


Hemp removes CO2, the climate changing Greenhouse Gas. The more HEMP we grow and put into long-term products like hemp-crete and building products, the more we remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

The speed at which the Climate is changing, and the amount of plastic garbage laying around the planet is spelling disaster and already costing billions in taxes. While plastic is cheap to produce and therefore cheap for making consumer goods, the cost to the environment is not factored in to the supply and demand models. If the environmental cost of plastic and other toxic materials were considered then natural fiber products that are biodegradable and sustainable would be far more cost-effective, even though the upfront cost is higher. 

Hemp products capture greenhouse gases and store the carbon within the product for the duration of the product, which, for some products like hemp-crete, is forever. Those are carbon negative produces. All other Hemp products are neutral or net zero, meaning that carbon was removed from the atmosphere to make the product and then returned to the atmosphere when the product bio-degraded.


Hemp plants and crude oil are both feed stock for the manufacture of products. Hemp feedstock is a living, agricultural plant that requires massive amounts of CO2 to grow, thus removing carbon from the atmosphere. Crude is waste plant fossil material which has taken massive amounts of CO2 from millions of years ago and buried it underground and locked it away. 

One could consider that evolution knows what it's doing and since we are a result of evolution, we might also consider that evolution is smarter than us. So if evolution decided to burry billions of tons of hydrocarbon underground and lock that carbon away, thus creating a balance in the world carbon cycle, than we might consider the reason, in terms of evolution, why it's a good thing that that carbon is underground.  

But by drilling up these fossils for fuel and releasing the stored carbon back into the atmosphere through burning and manufacturing, we raise the atmospheric carbon back to prehistoric times thus destabilizing the carbon cycle. Over time, this leads to an over abundance of atmospheric carbon. Scientists discovered that this abundance of atmospheric CO2 from fossil fuels is the green house gas GHG which has triggered global warming and our present climate crisis.

While plastic hydrocarbon technology is one of the mans greatest discoveries, it unfortunately has two serious problems for the future of our planet; petroleum hydrocarbon energy adds CO2 to the atmosphere, and plastic hydrocarbon is toxic to organic nature and toxic to the environment.

Whereas Hemp bio-products remove carbon and are naturally biodegradable. Many common household and industrial products can be made sustainably by replacing hydrocarbon fiber with hemp cellulose fiber. At HempNetMarket we're working to re-establish Hemp feedstock into the manufacturing landscape as an alternative to plastic and a step toward sustainability.

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Hemp Earth Friendly Bio-products