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Hemp Life Magazine & Podcast

About Hemp Life News ,

HempLife Magazine
 Living a Hemp Lifestyle,
Using Hemp Products Made Locally 
for a Sustainable Future! 
Supporting Nature,
and the Local  Economy,
Through Zero-Waste, Hemp Bio-Products!
 HEMPHealthy Eco-Minded People 
                         HEMP: SEED~FIBER~CBD~ROOTS 
About HempLife Community Network
HempLife Community Network members are advocates for the future of living sustainably utilizing natures bounty when it comes to the products we use every day. Our climate change and plastic pollution crisis is showing us that a "sustainable future" requires us to switch from synthetic, man-made, petroleum-based products, to natural, earth-made products like hemp, jute, bamboo, . There is no better solution to this dilemma than to simply purchase products made from  hemp, which are all earth-friendly and carbon neutral; even carbon negative in many cases, such as home construction. 
Thinking sustainably when purchasing products means considering the material that the product is made from and what effect the product has on the environment. With each product we purchase, we can ask three fundamental questions: 
1. Is this product sustainable?
2. Is this product made from synthetic (ex. plastic and polyester) or natural (ex. hemp or bamboo) materials?
3. What is the lifecycle of this product? (Is it compostable?)
In order to solve our present climate change, plastic pollution and mass extinction "global crisis" we need to think about how the products we use everyday contribute to the crisis, and then take personal action to use products such as hemp to reduse our personal negative environmental effects. 
Thinking along these lines is how we came up with our nifty acronym for HEMP, Healthy Eco-Minded People. This is the theme of our HempLife Magazine & Podcast. It's about how to alter our thinking slightly, and to consider the environment when we make decisions about the products we use. Small personal changes can have dramatic positive effects when multiplied by many people.  
Hemp Products Support Your Local Community
By using hemp products, you also support your local community of farmers, sellers, builders, processors and small scale manufacturers. That's because hemp can be grown, processed and sold all within your local community. This is new way to look at economy, which is a sustainable, local, bio-circular economy which leaves the jobs, taxes and profit within the community, and serves to build strong, resiliant and sustainable communities that support Nature!
Hemp offers the most intelligent and practical means for communities to transform to become sustainable. Hemp is an amazing plant and every part of the plant, seeds, flowers, leaves, stems and roots can be used to provide different types of sustainable or medicinal products. Different strain are grown for different purposes, such as cbd strains can be grown in your own garden providing many health benefits. Hemp seeds, which are the most nutritions of all seeds, can also be grown in your garden for those with a little more space. Local farmers using hemp as a valuable rotation crop can produce hemp seeds, hemp cbd, hemp fiber for building homes and animal bedding. Local small scale manufacturers can use hemp fiber grown locally to produce 100's if not 1000's of the products we use every day.   
Join the Community of Hemparians; Healthy Eco-Minded Products 
Your subscription to HempLife Mag will give you all sorts of ideas and insight to assist with a transition to sustainability with practical ways to live sustainably with a low or neutral carbon footprint.
By becoming a "member" of the HempLife Community Network you can become involved in a personal quest  toward sustainability! You can also assist your local community in reducing the local carbon footprint and working toward a more sustainable community!
The HempLife Community Network (HLCN) consists of the HempLife Blog, Newsletter and Podcast, all of which offers information about utilizing hemp products for personal health, and the health of our environment. Subscribing to the HLCN offers you insight into this exciting new hemp industry. Our monthly HempLife Newsletter will keep you up to date on new blogs and podcasts, plus information on new products, companies research and innovation.  

Our HempLife Mag blog covers all matter of sustainable living with healthy bio-products. Here is a small sample of what we are writing about:  

  • how products effect the environment;
  • what bio-products are available to help us curb our negative carbon footprint;
  • how to turn our negative footprint into a neutral or even positive one;
  • what are the health benefits of bio-products for people and the planet,   
  • ...and much much more!!!   

On the HempLife Podcast we will be interviewing the people that bring hemp from the field to the product shelves. You see, what makes hemp bio-products so vital and interesting is that the entire supply chain for hemp takes place locally. From the farming of hemp grain and fiber, to the post processing, manufactuing and sale of products, all within your local community.

Our name, HempLife Community Network, reflects the outcome of how the circular economy works; by supplying local sustainable products, providing local jobs, and local taxes that benefit local communities every step of the way. Even the composting facilities are local and the bio-products complete the vital cycle from the field, back to the field, providing nutrients for a new cycle. This is the essence of a circular economy and we believe that this is how we defeat the global warming, mass extinction and plastic pollution crisis.

HempLife is about a simple paradigm shift! A shift in the way we think about life and the way we think about the planet that gives us life! It's about the connection between the Earth; life-on-Earth; and ourselves! It's about supporting the Earth's life-support-systems for the future generations!
By simply treating the "Earth" as "our home" and thinking about Earth with the same "respect" we have for our own home, we can then make choices about what products we should use everyday, and how they effect our planet home!
HempLife Community Network and Magazine are part of our hemp sales and marketing platform, Hemp Network Marketplace, HempNetMarket is an ecommerce marketplace were local hemp businesses sell their hemp products and where you find the hemp products you need to reduce your carbon footprint, while at the same time supporting local hemp farmers, processors and manufacturers.

So...How can we chart a paradigm shift to a sustainable future?

Very Simply,  With One Amazing Plant, 
we call HEMP, plus a bunch of
 Healthy Eco-Minded People!
So, What-da-ya' say.... Shall We Get Started?
Click Here to Subscribe to the HempLife Newsletter!
Click Here to Become a "Member" the HempLife Community Network!
Click Here for HempLife Blogs & Podcasts! 
Click Here to Search Hemp Products on!


A person who studies or works with hemp might be inclined to say that hemp is a gift from Nature to us Humans. This article describes briefly what hemp has contributed to the development of society throughout the ages, how it was lost to religious based prohibition, and how hemp is coming back into the limelight to curb our toxic relience on petroleum products and help to establish a road back to sustainable societies, a road which we...